Keep the faith!

Ravi Zacharias tells the amazing story of a young Christian in Vietnam. He writes, “I was ministering in Vietnam in 1971, and one of my interpreters was Hien Pham, an energetic young Christian. He had worked as a translator with the American forces, and was of immense help both to […]

Gold Medal Praise!

In the Olympics, when the athletes stand up on the podium and receive their gold medals, they’ll often break down crying. They’re not crying over that moment of getting that medal around their neck. They‘re thinking about all the things they had to go through to get there. They’re thinking […]

If you care, share!

Most guys don’t really like sharing. If we drive through McDonald’s and ask our wife what she wants and she responds, “Nothing, I’ll just have some of yours.” We are thinking to ourselves, “Oh no you won’t. I’ll be happy to buy you your own extra-large French fries. Just leave […]