Oops! I forgot!

forgetfulnessI teach a Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday morning at a local restaurant. This past Wednesday I…. I….I, really don’t want to say it. I hate to admit it. But it’s the truth. I… forgot. That’s right! I forgot. Go ahead, call me a loser. Call me forgetful. Call me whatever you would like. But the one thing for sure that you will have to call me is…human. That’s right! I’m human.

I received a text from one of the guys asking, where I was, and that’s when I realized I had totally forgotten about the Bible study. So I rushed out of the house and arrived for the final 20 minutes.

I apologized over and over to the guys. That’s when one of them said, “Hey, this only proves that you are human. I’m glad I have a Pastor who is human.”

Believe me, I wish this was the worst mistake I ever made in my life. The reality of life is, that we are all flawed individuals, who bear the imperfections of sinful man.

The good news is that we have a God who is faithful and forgiving. He will forgive us of all our sins and imperfections.

1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

The word of the day is imperfect. That’s right go ahead and declare that you are imperfect. As you declare your imperfection, you allow God, who is perfect, to take His rightful place in your life. Surrender all decisions of your life to the Perfect One who lives in you. This will make your life better.