Dream Again!

Easter lilliesA few years ago Starla and I bought a house in the month of August. There was nothing around the foot of this tree that stands in the front yard. So I put a little mulch around it to make it look a little more appealing. (That’s about as creative as my landscaping skills will allow me to be)

The following Spring came and I noticed these little sprouts coming up through the mulch. They were Easter Lillies. In a few months they will die and disappear. But every Spring they will sprout again and blossom into a beautiful flower. We have enjoyed them for several years now.

This last week as I saw these Lillie’s begin to sprout again. (so i took a pic) I couldn’t help but think that God was doing the same thing in you and me. He has placed a dream, a promise, a future and a plan in you and me, that he intends to fulfill.

It may appear like it is dead. It may be no where in sight. It may feel as if the “dream” has died. But there is a season for a resurrection. This is it.

I challenge you today, to not give up on your dream. Do not give up on your promise. Do not grow weary or tired of doing what is right. There is a resurrection about to take place in your life. There is a season that is approaching and your dream is about to spring up like an Easter Lilly.

The word of the day is Dream Again. Speak it and believe it.

Galatians 6:9 (ESV) – And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.