I don’t like spiders and snakes!

authorityIt was a beautiful sunny afternoon. Starla and I were taking a walk in a nearby Nature Preserve. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the wildlife was active. It was a perfect day for a walk outside. When all of a sudden, right in front of us, slithers a snake, right across the path, just a few feet in front of us.

Now I have to tell you, that I don’t particularly like snakes. I don’t have a fear of snakes likes some. But I have a tremendous dislike for them. Some of my dislike for snakes is because of what I don’t know. It’s hard to be certain, unless you study enough, to determine whether or not a snake is poisonous. I know many believe that the only good snake is a dead snake. Well, for me, the unknown is enough to keep me extremely cautious.

The scriptures tell us that we have been given authority over our enemy and likens our enemy to a snake.

Luke 10:19 “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

Our spiritual enemy satan, is cunning and crafty enough to cause me to be extremely cautious as well. But even though I may be spiritually cautious, I understand that I have authority to defeat the devil ‘big time,’ because of the authority I have been given by Jesus Christ Himself.

The word of the day is authority. Talk with authority. Pray with authority. Live with authority, in Jesus name. It will make your life better.