After the Rain!

after the rainWe had a powerful storm rage through our city recently. Strong winds, rain and hail left a lot of damage in its aftermath. Cars were destroyed, windows were shattered and even some animals were killed in a nearby zoo.

But it is always amazing to me that the morning after a storm there seems to be an unusual calm. After a strong rain, there seems to be a brightness in the color of the grass and trees in my yard and a sparkle and pop in the color of the flowers.

Why is it that I can water and irrigate my yard every day, but one night of rain make the colors come to life, like they were created to shine? The difference is in the purity of the water that comes from the heavens, in contrast to the polluted and contaminated water from our city systems. Now, I’m not going on an environmental rant. I’m simply stating the obvious. What comes down from the heavens brings life.

God wants to send down rains of refreshing everyday for each of us.

The word of the day is refresh.

Acts 3:20 says, “times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Look to the heavens above. Look to God above and allow Him to send you refreshing. It comes from the presence of the Lord. Get in His presence and stay there until your soul is refreshed.