Live your life worthy!

ticket machineStarla and I had the privilege of taking our five year old grandson out for his birthday. We rode go-karts, played putt-putt, worked our way through the arcades and then to the mall for a major shopping spree. Of course we ended at The Rainforest Café. Awesome day.

But while we were at the arcade I couldn’t help but notice a father there with his son. While his son was on the video game racing cars, the father was trying to tip over the ticket machine and steal tickets. I watched in utter amazement as the Dad saw nothing wrong with demonstrating theft and dishonesty, without shame, in front of his son.

Now here is the natural progression. The son will think nothing of it when he decides to lie to his parents, cheat on his exams or steal someone’s car. Why? Because that is what he saw modeled in front of him.

Every word we speak, every decision we make and every action we carry out, has eternal consequences. Each one carries a message much larger than we realize.

Your life is a sermon that everyone hears loud and clear. They hear your message through the way you live your life. What is everyone hearing?

Ephesians 4:1 “Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.”

The word of the day is worthy. Lead a life worthy of what God has called us to live.