How’s Your Vision?


Years ago when Starla and I were taking our kids to the optometrist for their annual eye exam, the doctor called us in and gave us his report on our daughter Summer Star. She was about 11 or 12 years old at the time. He explained to us that either Summer’s eyesight had rapidly declined or she was intentionally failing the test in order to get a pair of glasses. We thought we might have an answer to the mystery. Sure enough when confronted, she admitted that she intentionally failed the eye exam in order to get a pair of glasses.

Why do we do things like that?

It’s because of a lack of vision. We can’t see far enough down the road to see what is best for us.

Remember the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright? Their father at one time had rebuked someone for insinuating that one day men would fly through the air like birds. He called it heresy, saying, “The Bible says flight is reserved for the angels.” He had a lack of vision. But his two sons had a different vision. They saw men flying. They believed. They sacrificed and made a dream come true.

The word of the day is vision.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

You need a dream for your life and you need to see yourself fulfilling that dream. This is called vision.

Can you see yourself at your ideal weight?

Can you see yourself married with children?

Can you see yourself starting your own business?

Can you see yourself financially free?

Can you see yourself accomplishing your dream?

Don’t lose sight of your dream. Keep it before you every day. It will make your life better.