Do Unto Others!

The Golden RuleI was driving down a four-lane parkway this week, when a driver in an SUV started drifting over into my lane. I pressed hard down on my horn, as if to let this driver know that my horn was supposed to come across as annoyed and aggravated. How dare he enter into my personal driving space? As I honked my horn, I slammed on my brakes to avoid getting hit. I was frustrated, so I audibly let him know how displeased I was, of course, only to myself. The driver quickly adjusted back into his own lane. I passed him and may or may not have given him a quick look of disapproval.

Not more than two minutes later, I felt my phone buzz. I looked down to see who was texting me. As soon as I looked back up, I realized that I had done the exact same thing, I drifted into the other lane. Fortunately, there was no car and no one honked or stared at me.

But, I quickly heard the Holy Spirit reprimand me for my attitude toward the other driver.

Remember the golden rule- Luke 6:31 “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

The word of the day is The Golden Rule.

This is much easier said than done. But this is the way Christ commands us to live. When you live this way, it will make your life so much better. Speak it and live it today.