Bear one another’s burdens!

Kanon praying for PopsRecently, I had the opportunity to pray with April, one of our Freedom Life Church family members. April was burdened with a need that was heavy on her heart, for another person. As we were praying, I felt a little hand touch my arm. I know that we are not supposed to peak while we are praying, but I wasn’t sure what was going on, so I looked toward my arm, as I continued to pray and noticed my five-year old grandson agreeing with us in prayer.

Now look, if a five-year old can understand when it is time to bear one another’s burdens, shouldn’t we all be able to do the same.

Galatians 6:2 (ESV) “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

The word of the day is “bear.” I’m not talking about a furry animal.

The word “bear” actually means- “to hold up; support; to hold or remain firm under pressure.”

I know many people who are being crushed under the weight of their burdens. Let’s hold them up and remain firm under pressure.

Speak this word over your life today. As you bear someone’s burden today, God will send someone to bear yours, when you need it most.