Innocently Beautiful!

innocentDon’t you just love the innocence of children? Sometimes it’s downright hilarious, and other times, it’s as scary as can be.

Below are some letters written by children to their Pastor.

  • Dear Pastor, I know God loves me but I wish He would give me an “A” on my report card so I could be sure. Love, Theresa. (Age 8, Milwaukee)
  • Dear Pastor, Could you say a special blessing for my Aunt Beatrice? She has been looking for a husband for 12 years and still hasn’t found one. Yours sincerely, Debbie. (Age 9, Duluth)
  • Dear Pastor, Do I have to say grace before every meal? Even when I am only having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Wesley. (Age 9, Baltimore)
  • Dear Pastor, Please pray for all the airline pilots. I am flying to California tomorrow. Laurie. (Age 10, New York City)
  • Dear Pastor, We say grace every night before we eat dinner even when we have leftovers from the night before. Yours truly, Jamie (Age 9, Chicago)
  • Dear Pastor, I say my prayer before I eat my supper, but my mother still makes me finish my spinach and drink my milk. Julie. (Age 9, Buffalo)

The truth is, there is something innocently beautiful about what children say. It comes straight from their heart, oftentimes without a filter.

I think this is what Jesus was talking about in the book of Matthew.

Matthew 21:16 “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, You have perfected praise’?”

The word of the day is innocent. I pray that you can offer an innocently beautiful expression of your heart to God today. He longs to hear from you without the filter of politics, religion, education, performance or attempt at perfection. He just wants to hear from you.