Don’t Assume!


don't assume 2I’ve made many innocent blunders in my life. The one I’m going to tell you about ranks up there with the best, or maybe I should say, the worst of them.

Starla and I had gone to the hospital to visit a family whose newborn was having a heart procedure. Tensions and anxiety were high, yet we trusted God completely. The mother and father of the child, along with Starla and I, had all gone down to the lobby to get a break from the emotional stress of the situation. We were all sitting on a group of community chairs when another lady approached. She walked very slowly and gently. She was in a hospital gown, holding her hands on her hips and looking extremely uncomfortable. I thought to myself, ”I know that look, she’s pregnant.” At least I assumed she was pregnant. (Oh, you already know where this is going!)

The lady sat down right next to me. So in an attempt to lighten the mood, I turned to her, with my southern charm and said, “Mam, don’t even think about having that baby right here.” Hoping to get a laugh from everyone. She glared at me, like Momma bear that doesn’t want anyone to come near her cubs, and said, “I had that baby 3 days ago.” What??? I was petrified. How could a moment of fun have turned so awful, so quick?

I wish I could say, I never made that mistake again. But I’m stupid!

“Don’t assume” is the word of the day. How often have we misjudged someone by assuming before all the facts were in?

Don’t assume you know what’s going on. Ask questions and be sure.


Proverbs 3:6 (MSG) “Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!”

Keep telling yourself, “Don’t assume.”