
Summer Prom 1 Summer Prom 2 Summer Prom 3 Summer Prom 4 Summer Prom 5 Summer Prom 7 Summer Prom 8

The word of the day is serve.

I want to challenge you to serve someone today. Speak this word over your life and your marriage and relationships. Too often, we spend our energy and effort working to get ahead only for our own objectives. But what about others? What about the ones we love the most? What about perfect strangers?

1 Peter 4:10 says,  “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Interesting! The scripture says that we should use whatever gift you have received to serve others. Meaning, whatever gifts and talents you have, came from somewhere other than yourself. Use them to be a blessing to others.

When my daughter Summer was a senior in High School, she and her friend Amanda had the idea to take the Special Needs class to the Senior Prom. They realized that most of these students who suffered with Down Syndrome, had never been on an outing or attended an event without their parents.

So Summer and Amanda raised the money for the tickets to the Prom, their evening meal at Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant, and a limousine ride, approximately $1000.00.

These ten students, rented tuxedos and came with an excitement that I had never seen before. As they drove away in the limo, I watched their parents wipe away tears. No one had ever done anything like this for their kids.

On the night when most seniors in High School are only thinking of themselves, Summer and Amanda set themselves apart and showed what it really means to serve.

I promise those students experienced a night they will never forget, neither will we.

Your effort to serve someone, doesn’t have to be as dramatic as this. But can you go out of your way to think of someone else today? Make your day better.