Statute of Limitations


expiredThis word of the day is, “statute of limitations.” There are some things that you just need to leave in the past.

Many years ago, all four of our kids were sitting around the kitchen table, telling funny stories on themselves. They were approximately 23, 21, 17 and 12 years old. Kolt (23) told something that he had done so long ago that it was funny now. But he probably would have been in trouble at the time, had we known it. So then Dandy (21), opens up and tells something that he had done. Again, enough time had passed that Starla and I looked at each other and laughed. So Summer (17), tells a story implicating herself. Again, we all laughed. Lastly Hunter (12), opens up and starts to follow the example of her siblings and begins to tell about the time she… when quickly Summer, the older sister, stops her in the middle of her story and says, “Don’t tell that one, it hasn’t been long enough yet.” (I know you thought my children were all angels, Ha!) I still don’t know what Hunter did. But I assume one day we’ll be sitting around the table and it will come up. Starla and I will nervously laugh.

The point of my story is this. There are times that you just need to leave things in the past. Enough time has passed, that it holds no bearings on your life today.

Isn’t that what Jesus did for us?

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, all things have become new.”

To make your life, marriage, relationships and business better, recognize that some things fall under the statute of limitations. Don’t let satan keep bringing things back up and dropping those thoughts in your mind. Leave it in the past. Keep looking ahead. Keep moving forward. Don’t look backwards, that’s not where you’re going.