A Grand Experience pt 1

Grand Canyon 2A few years ago, my two sons (Kolt and Dandy) and I hiked down and out of the Grand Canyon in one day. We were advised many times by Park Rangers not to attempt it. But I had accomplished it once before with my father and my two brothers. So I knew we could do it. I knew it wouldn’t be easy. But I knew it was possible.

We made great time going down. Stopping for some great photo ops of the most remarkable Canyon on earth. We made it to the bottom and sat in the Colorado River and had our early lunch before we began our ascent.

I sat in the same river with my boys as my Father had with me and my brothers.

He read from Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

My Father told us that everything we see, which was simply magnificent, was created by the spoken word of God from the invisible world of the supernatural.

So I read from the same scripture to my boys that day. We laughed about the fact that my father read from a pocket New Testament. I read from a Palm Pilot. My sons will probably read from a watch that causes the scriptures to materialize in thin air, when they do this with their sons.

So what’s the word of the day? If God can speak and the worlds exist. Then God can speak life into your marriage, family and situation today. In fact, that is exactly what He is doing right now through this simple word. God wants you to succeed in life, spiritual relationship, family and business.

Let Him speak to you right now.