Instant in Season!

in seasonOur family had gathered at the hospital during the birth of our granddaughter, River. After a while, a few of us had gone down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Seated near us were doctors, nurses and other hospital employees, along with patients and families just like ours.

Just a few minutes into our meal, our grandson Maverick, started to choke on his food. We all quickly moved his direction to assist. Thank the Lord, he was fine. But, the amusing and comforting scene that instantly unfolded was the quick reaction of nurses at the table next to us.

As soon as they heard Maverick choking, three or four of them had jumped from their seat and were on their way to our table in an instant. Thankfully, Maverick had recovered before they arrived and were needed.

We all laughed and commented that if you are going to choke on your food the best place to do that is in the hospital cafeteria. The nurses were ready.

2 Timothy 4:2 “be prepared in season and out of season.”

The scripture tells us to be ready and be prepared, in season and out of season.

The word of the day is, “in season.”

Stay ready. Someone may need you today. Someone will need encouragement, comfort or friendship today.

Speak this word over your life today and declare that you will live ready and prepared today. You will live “in season.”