5 Keys to becoming more productive


productiveMost everyone wants to succeed and be productive in life. I don’t know very many people that wake up in the morning and say to themselves, “I want to have a totally unproductive and unsuccessful day.”

No one usually sets out with the goal of failing. But oftentimes our lack of planning and execution keeps us from succeeding.

I have found a few keys that will help you succeed in whatever you do.

First of all, follow the instruction of the following verse.

 Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

Do not proceed until you have done this.

Then, once you have committed your life and your plans to the Lord, you can activate the next five steps for continued success.

5 Keys to becoming more productive

  1. Determine exactly what you want to accomplish.
  2. Write it down.
  3. Create a strategy (immediate, intermediate and long range steps) to accomplish your goal
  4. Take action immediately.
  5. Do something every day toward your goal.

Today’s word is productive. God wants you to be productive. God has placed dreams in your life. He expects you to fulfill those dreams. You will never feel completely satisfied and fully productive until you are doing what God created you to do.