Be Still!


be-stillI love a quiet morning in my back yard, listening to the hypnotic sounds of the waterfalls by my pool. This time is my “God time.” It’s when I can just talk to God and let God talk to me. I don’t need anything else going on. I don’t want anything else going on. Okay, maybe a hot cup of coffee makes it better. Everything else is a distraction.

I have to fight for this time. There are so many things that battle for this moment. My schedule, my sleep, the weather and so many other things wage war to steal this quiet moment of meditation away from me.

On my phone alone I have access to social media, personal and work emails, daily current news reports, text messages, you know… the list could go on and on.

Look at the habit of Jesus in this scripture below.

Mark 1:35 (CEV) “Very early the next morning, Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray.”

The word of the day is quiet. There is so mush clutter in the world we live in. There are so many voices that are fighting for your attention. Find a quiet place and listen to what God has to say to you.

I want to challenge you to find some quiet time where you can talk to God and He can talk to you. It doesn’t have to be early in the morning. It just needs to be consistent.

He loves more than you could ever imagine.