21 Days of Thanksgiving- Day 10

Did you know that gratitude will give you, what I like to call, “bounce-back-ability?”

It’s true! People who show more gratitude and thanksgiving are simply more resilient. They seem to have the ability to handle stress and express a more pro-active approach to the challenges they face.

Let’s be honest, we all face challenges every single day. Your challenge could be, getting the kids ready for school each morning, or fighting through traffic each day to work, or a physical sickness that you are dealing with. But aren’t you thankful you have children to get ready for school, a job to go to, and breath to breathe today. Every challenge gives you the opportunity to find reason to give thanks or complain.

Today’s Scripture: Psalm 50:23 (NLT) “But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me…”

Think about that scripture for a moment. Notice that giving thanks is a way to truly honor God.

When you choose to give thanks you bring a smile to the face of God. Take a moment give thanks to God before you go any further.

Today’s Challenge: Thank a fellow employee that makes your job easier. If you do not work, thank someone who makes your life easier.

Have an awesome day my friend,

Stay Thankful,

Kendall Bridges