Winning Starts With Beginning!


do-somethingWinning starts with beginning.

The word of the day is begin.

How many times have you told yourself, that one of these days I’m going to…and that day has never come? Why? Because you can’t wait on perfect scenarios before you begin. You can and should do everything possible to set yourself up for success. But at some point you have to pull the trigger, call the play, take the step, ask her out, take the risk, make the investment, call that person, say what you’re thinking… I think you get the picture.

Confucius wrote, “A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step.”

The difference between winning and losing is your willingness to step out in the direction of your dream, even if the scenario isn’t perfect.

I’ve known guys who said, they wouldn’t get married until they had a certain amount of money. Good luck with that.

I’ve known couples who said, they would never have children until they could afford it. Good luck with that.

I’ve known people who wouldn’t ask for raises, promotions or added responsibility for one reason after another. That’s why they are still stuck doing the same thing they have always done.

Many dreams die before they are ever born because no one was willing to begin and take that first step.

Starla and I, along with willing teams and a supportive family have planted two great churches ourselves and out of those churches have planted many others. We have raised four wonderful, God loving children. We have allowed God to heal and restore our lives and our marriage. It all started with a “first step” toward a dream.

Winning starts with beginning.

What will you begin today?

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”