I Forgive You!


forgivenessDuring the time I served as a Youth Pastor, we often took our youth on various types of trips, such as youth camps, Missions Trips, Ski Trips, etc. One particular year, the youth had turned in their monies. I had taken it to the bank to deposit it. Then I proceeded to withdraw cash for our trip expenses. The teller said the funds would not be available until the next day. I understood the policy, but I asked for them to make an exception due to the fact we were leaving that day, and because of our longtime banking history. She deferred to the young preppy bank Vice-President who came out himself and told me that the funds would not be available. I again explained our situation and asked for a concession.

They finally allowed me to have the money, but I left extremely angry at that banker.

A year later I was teaching on forgiveness and the Lord reminded me that I had never forgiven that banker.

Reluctantly, I went to that bank and asked to see him. I waited for an hour. When I walked into his office, he didn’t even remember me. I almost walked out. But I felt the Lord grab me by the collar and say, “apologize.”

That’s when I recounted the incident and told him that I needed to ask him to forgive me. He looked at me in utter shock. He said, “You want me to forgive you?” “Yes sir” I replied.

He paused for a moment and then said, “Sure, that’s the easiest thing I’ve been asked to do all day.” In my mind, I was thinking, this is the hardest thing I have been asked to do all day. But I was free.

The word of the day is “forgiveness.”

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,”

Don’t live in unforgiveness. You will only imprison yourself.