“But I want to be the bad guy!”

Captain Hook

We were at the house on a Sunday afternoon, watching the Cowboys game, (which they lost) when my grandson Kanon, came running in dressed in a Pirate’s Costume. Starla had purchased several costumes for the grandkids to dress up in when they are over at our house. Kanon’s Daddy, Kolt, asked “What’s your name?” Kanon answered, “I’m Captain Hook!” Kolt responded, “But he’s a bad guy!”

Kanon looked right at his Daddy and said, “But I want to be a bad guy!” We all laughed.

The truth is that we all have a nature that is at work in our life that wants to be “the bad guy.”

Romans 7:21-23 says, “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind…

Most all of us want to do “good,” but there is a sin nature at work in our lives, waging war against us.

The word of the day is war. That’s right war. We are at war against an enemy that has come to steal, kill and destroy.

Get ready to fight this war and win this war. You have a family, a marriage, a better life to fight for.

Evil will always try to defeat you and keep you from experiencing God’s best. But make your mind up that you will not settle for anything less than God’s very best.