
empowerWhen my son Kolt, was learning to drive, he took his eyes off of the road and lightly smashed into the back of a pick-up. Fortunately, it did absolutely no damage to the truck. The man was gracious and went on his way. But it completely destroyed the grill of my car.

After we had and assessed the damage, taken a deep breath, regrouped a little, I turned back to Kolt and said, “Get back in there and keep driving.” He was surprised, actually I was too!

What was I doing? I was empowering him. I was telling him, yes, you will make mistakes, but you have to keep on pushing forward.

The word of the day is empower.

Jesus said…

Luke 10:19 I have given you authority…”

Jesus taught us the value of empowering others.

As we look into the future, leaders will be those who empower others.” Bill Gates

As you mature in life you will find it easier to empower others. You will not be as threatened by others, but will see the value of making others better.

Here are 7 ways to empower others:

  1. Be smiling. A smile has a unique way of creating comradery.
  2. Be positive. Your attitude is contagious.
  3. Be complimentary. Compliments allow you to engage with people on a personal level, making it easier to build trust and genuine relationship.
  4. Be a challenger.  Challenge others to find ways to do what they do better.
  5. Be creative. Break the monotony of a dull and boring life.
  6. Be supportive. Contact people on their birthdays and bad days.
  7. Be a teacher. Share how you handle adversity and challenges.

Have a Better day!