A Father’s Heart!


siblings 3One of the greatest joys I have ever experienced is that of being a father. I’ll never forget the feeling when my first-born son came into this world. (Happy Birthday bro) I thought I would never be able to love another child in the same way. But when my second born son came into this world, something supernatural happened. My love was evenly distributed to both of my sons. (This is something that only a father or mother can understand.) I love those guys more today than I ever have. They make me proud to be their father.

Then my first-born daughter arrived, oh my, how we were we surprised. Starla and I thought for sure that we were having another boy. But God knew that we needed this little princess in our lives. Then we thought we were finished having children and God had the surprise of a lifetime for us. God gave us another beautiful baby girl. She was exactly what we needed to make our family complete.

I think it goes without saying, but I will say it anyway, because this is all about using your words to form and fashion each day that you live. But I absolutely love and adore my children. They bring Starla and me the greatest joy of our lives, outside of Salvation in Jesus Christ. They have all grown to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. They are exceptional individuals, spouses, fathers and mothers and are still the greatest kids in the world to this Father.

I just want to say, thank you to my four wonderful, handsome, beautiful, gifted, anointed and blessed children. (I’m not biased or exaggerating, just ask Starla!) The word of the day is thank you!

I know I have not always been a perfect role model. But I hope that in my failures, I have shown you how to get up again and allow God to restore what the enemy tried to steal.

I think of the role model that my father was for me. I have often said that he showed me how to live and he showed me how to die. I hope that I have shown you how to fall and get up again.

1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

To the greatest kids in the world, thank you for being you!- Kendall Kolt, Dandy Sterling, Summer Star and Hunter Sky.

I love you,

A Proud Father (Daddy)