Are you listening to me?


communicateCommunicate is the word of the day.

It’s also one of the most difficult things to accomplish on a continual and effective basis over a long period of time in a relationship.

Here are three things that I want you to be very intentional about communicating to the people you love the most.

  1. Praise. No one gets enough praise, so truly outstanding people give praise often. The praise needs to be frequent but sincere. There needs to be an intentional effort, but it always need to be genuine, not manufactured.
  2. “I was wrong.” In other words, take responsibility. We all blow it from time to time. The most important thing is that when we do blow it, we also own it. Take responsibility for the mistakes that you make. If you want to have a quality life and quality relationships, be the first to say, “I was wrong.”
  3. Explain the “why” behind the “what.” This works in every aspect of life. People are much more understanding and even willing to buy in to whatever you are doing if they understand the why behind the what. In discovering and determining the “why” you may even realize that there are things that you are doing, that you don’t even know why. Determine and communicate the why and you will help others and yourself as well.

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges