The best part of waking up….

coffeeRecently, Starla woke up before me and made coffee. As soon as the aroma of the coffee made its way from the kitchen to the bedroom, I was up. It literally woke me up. I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Come to think of it, I love the smell of coffee all of the time. I should make a Folgers commercial. But that’s not my point. My point is the pleasing smell of coffee filled the room and it brought me out of my comatose state.

I think this is what Paul was talking about when he said this below.

2 Corinthians 2:15 (NIV) “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”

Each one of us have an aroma. And I’m not talking about body odor. I’m talking about the aroma that your presence brings to a room. There is an aroma that we carry through Christ Jesus that can awaken the God-consciousness in others. There is a fragrance that lingers long after we are gone.

What is your fragrance? What is the aroma that you bring when you enter a room? What is the aroma you leave when you exit a room?

I want people to see and feel and sense something different in, we who call ourselves followers of Christ.

In fact, I believe when you make the decision to leave a lasting aroma of love, joy and peace, you will find that you can make your life and the life of those around you so much better.

The word of the day is aroma. Speak it over your life today.