Forgive and Forget!

forgive and forgetSomeone once told me they were having trouble forgiving, and I asked why, what was the problem? They said, because I can still remember what happened.

Forgiveness does not depend upon the ability to forget what happened. Only God can “forgive and forget!” He is the only one that can throw your sins into the sea of forgetfulness. Joseph didn’t forget what his brothers had done to him. In fact, he reminded them of what they had done. He told them,…

Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

If you can forget the pain, the hurt and the betrayal, is forgiveness really necessary?

Having said that, let me emphasize that just because you can remember an offense, does not give you the right to bring it up and throw it in someone’s face and relive it every time you remember it.

The word of the day is forgive and forget.

Forgiving is easier than forgetting.

To forget means…

    • to fail to remember,
    • inadvertently neglect to attend to,
    • put out of one’s mind.

The key to putting something out of your mind, is to put something else in your mind. What are choosing to put in your mind today? It will make all the difference in your day.