If God is good, why do people suffer?

good vs evil 1If God is good and loving, then why is there so much evil and suffering in the world?

We have all heard this type of question many times before. The simple, yet complex truth is, that God created man with a free will. Which gives us the ability to choose good or evil, right or wrong. So why did God give us that right to choose? Because only a person with a free will can choose to give love and receive love. And God wanted to have a relationship that is based on His enormous love for us. (John 3:16) Therefore, He gave us the ability to choose to receive His love or reject it. He will never force anyone to love Him or serve Him.

Our world is filled with the evidence of evil. This is the result of people’s choice to reject the love of God and to choose evil over good.

We see the evidence of evil all around us;

  1. Mass shootings
  2. Mass murders
  3. Senseless violence, rape, abuse, neglect, etc.
  4. Disregard for human life
  5. Disregard for personal property

Every day we are faced with the opportunity to choose good and not evil.

The Bible tells us that the right choice leads to life.

Amos 5:14 “Seek good and not evil, that you may live;”

It’s no wonder that the celebration of evil is so closely related to death. If good leads to life, then evil leads to death.

Today’s word is choice. You have a choice to seek good or evil. The success of your life, family, goals and dreams depend on your choice. Choose wisely.