You look better in your future than you do right now.

future 9-30-15

My daughter Summer Star’s favorite Bible verse is

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I read this verse at her wedding. I told her then, that I knew God had a hand in her future, when He brought her husband Tyler into her life.

It’s amazing to me, the way God works in our lives to make our future so much brighter than we could have ever dreamed. We just have to leave it to Him and trust in His plan, which is always so much better than ours.

Maybe things in your life haven’t turned out as perfect as you had hoped. Maybe your plans have been delayed, diverted or even destroyed.

The word of the day is future. You have a future. You have a bright future. You a blessed future.

The enemy of your soul would love to steal, kill and destroy your future. But God has a plan to bring you into a good place, a better place, a blessed place.

Speak this word over your life, family and marriage today. Future. Your future is looking better than you realize. And as I look ahead, you look better in your future than you do right now.

Receive it and walk in it today.