Effective Communication!

Effective Communication 9-27-15

Recently I was ticked off about something that had happened and I was still fuming over it when I spoke to my daughter about something completely unrelated and the tone I spoke in was harsh. My tone completely disqualified what I said to my daughter. All she heard was “tone.”

Here’s the thing. There is more to effective communication than just the words you speak. It is just as important to make sure that your tone and your body language are assisting you in communicating your message.

The word of the day is communication. Maybe I should qualify and say “effective communication.”

Let me share with you…

Three Keys to Effective Communication:

  • The words you speak
  • The tone you speak in
  • Your body language

How many have ever said, “I am sorry” to someone. But you know that it was never really received. It could be that you said the right words, but didn’t say it in the right tone or use the right body language.

Have you ever had someone tell you they are interested in what you are saying, but they are constantly looking at their watch, phone or looking over your shoulder and not keeping eye contact with you? Their body language is not supporting the words that are being spoken, therefore your mind throws the whole message out.

In order for there to be a positive message transmitted and a positive message received, there needs to be a combination of words, tone and body language, all working together to effectively communicate.

Luke 6:35 (NKJV) “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

Effective communication will make your life better.