Lost and Found!

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When I just a little kid, I can still remember the horror of being lost in the department store, separated from my family, wondering if I would ever see them again.

Only to be gently greeted by a man in a security uniform, asking if I was alright? He wiped my tears and then asked, “Is your Mommy lost?” That brought a little bit of a grin, but not much.

I still remember that my desire to be reunited with my family was much more important than the embarrassment of the security guard announcing to the entire store that he had a little lost boy at the front of the store. I felt like everyone was staring at me. I didn’t care, I just wanted my mother.

When she finally arrived, my face brightened up, my fears were erased and my life could begin again. (Maybe that was a little dramatic.) The security guard told my mother, “We never have to wonder who the parents are. The child lets us know by the look on their face.”

The word of the day is found.

If you’ve ever been lost, then you know how good it is to be found.

Maybe you have lost something in your life. Maybe you have lost something in your relationship. The truth is it can be found. If you will speak this word over your situation today and declare; “What was lost is now being found, in Jesus name.”

Romans 4:17 “the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.”

Call into being what has been lost. Call in love. Call in hope. Call in forgiveness. Call in restoration. Call in promotion. Call in your child’s salvation.

What was lost is now found in Jesus name. Today things will be better.