Ignore it!


grand-canyonMy sons and I were making our plans to hike down and out of the Grand Canyon in one day. The Park Ranger told us not to try it. He said it was too dangerous. The only problem was I knew we could do it, because I had done it with my father 20 years earlier. So I told my sons we were going to politely ignore his warning and we were going down and out of that Grand Canyon just like we had planned. And we did. What a great experience it was!

The word of the day is ignore. What? Ignore? Yes, ignore. Now I don’t want you to ignore the people in your life that really matter to you, or what is legal or moral, but I want you to ignore the thoughts, feelings and maybe the people who are distractions to your destiny.

Every day we are bombarded by negative messaging. We are blindsided by doubts. We are interrupted by ignorant thoughts. We must have a resolve to ignore the negative, and focus on the positive.

I’m talking about the people that tell you, “You can’t.” Or the thought that fills your mind with fear rather than faith, or the feelings of inadequacy rather than confidence.

In each of these moments we have a choice to accept the message or ignore it.

  • Who told you that being debt free was an impossibility? Ignore them.
  • Who told you that getting married was not going to happen? Ignore them.
  • Who told you that you couldn’t start that business? Ignore them.
  • Who told you that you would never be free from your past? Ignore them.
  • Who told you that your dreams were unreachable? Ignore them.

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”