Give Honor To Whom Honor Is Due!

Mom with Londyn

The word of the day is honor.

Proverbs 31:31 says, “Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

I would like to take a moment and honor my mother, Joyce Bridges. Today is her birthday. Let me describe this special lady to you today.

She is prayerful, dedicated, compassionate, generous, faithful, loving, diligent, intelligent and energetic. She’s a worshipper, a worker, a warrior and wise. She is patient and powerful. She’s attentive to details yet she gets the big picture. But let me leave the general description for a moment and tell a few specifics.

She worked a full-time job, all my life to help support our family. Yet she always had a clean home and provided meals for four hungry boys. (Well, three boys and a man)

She often did without. When my brothers and I started driving, she gave up her car so we would have one to drive. She helped me with my paper route more times than I care to admit. (I love you Mom)

She served in the church as well, playing the piano, teaching Sunday School and so much more.

She helped me and my brothers with our homework. She not only allowed us to participate in sports, she encouraged it. She watched our games and even kept score. She knew who won and she knew who lost.

I know I put my mother through more than a child should. But I am thankful that today as I Pastor a church in Dallas Texas, my mother will drive 45 miles one way to be in services every Sunday and still serves in the hospitality ministry helping others. I get to eat lunch with her every Sunday. (Unless the Cowboys are kicking off at noon. I know what you’re thinking. How could a son ditch his Mom for football? It’s not me who is doing the ditching. Ha! I‘m the one getting ditched. What can I say? She loves football. That’s my mom and I love her)

My Mom rocks! And I honor her today.

Happy Birthday Mom.

Give honor to whom honor is due in your life. It’s a key to a better life.

Stay Free,

Kendall Bridges