Things Change!

Things ChangeI was looking at some pictures from a year or two ago and noticed how much my children and grandchildren had changed. I didn’t notice it at the present moment, but when I looked back through the pictures I could see the change. Isn’t that how life is. We don’t always see the change that is taking place right in front of us. But when we look back in retrospect, we see how much different things are now.

There is one thing that is certain in life, change. The word of the day is things change. Seasons change. Day and night, young and old, hot and cold, everything changes. Some people believe that when things change they will be happy. But they are wrong. The truth is, when you are happy, things will change. I read somewhere; “I’m making changes in my life. If you don’t hear anything from me, then you are one of them.” Yikes. I’m glad this note was not left for me.

The secret of change is not fighting the old, but embracing the new. Too many people make the mistake of assuming the everything will always remain the same. Nothing remains the same except for Jesus. Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Everything else changes. So embrace it, prepare for it and make the best out of it.

Your day is getting ready to change for the better.