Relax and breathe!

relax 1I called my satellite provider, and was (put on hold,) only to find out that they had been bought out by another company and I would need to call another number. So I did, and was (put on hold.) When I finally reached someone, after pressing “0” for a dozen times, I told them what I needed and was (put on hold.) A service representative came back on the phone to get additional information and then, you guessed it, I was (put on hold.)

You all know this drill. It went on for what seemed like hours. We’ve all had this same scenario with different companies when we needed service of some type.

The trick is, never needing service. Ha! But since that trick doesn’t work in the real world, you have to make sure that you do not let these phone calls steal your joy.

Life is full of robbers and thieves, just like these. If we are not careful, we will let these pesky little situations distract us from things that really do matter.

I know it’s troublesome, time-consuming and a great test of our patience. But take a few deep breaths, put on some praise and worship music and only call when you know you have a few minutes to spare. Relax and then refuse to let these enemies steal your joy and ruin your day.

The word of the day is relax. Relax and refuse to lose your joy and your smile. Don’t let the frustrations of life get the best of you. Rise above it all.

Nehemiah 8:10 “The joy of the Lord is your strength.”