Does God Create Detours?

Recently as I driving to a restaurant, I was detoured by construction. Of course, I immediately resented the fact that I was being slowed down and was not going to arrive at the time I had planned. I was impatiently tapping my steering wheel and breathing deep sighs of frustration. As if that was going to change anything. However, I found myself being directed through a neighborhood that I had never seen before. The houses were gorgeous and the architecture was so unique. I had rarely seen such magnificence. Then it dawned on me. Had I not been detoured, I would have never seen these beautiful homes.

Did you know that sometimes God creates detours in our lives? Yes, He does. Sometimes He wants to slow you down, and open your eyes to His wonders.

Exodus 13:17-18 “God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter…God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.”

God led the children of Israel by the way of the Red Sea, because He wanted to show them that He could provide a Highway through the Sea, so they could pass through on dry ground.

And God wants to do the same thing for you. Don’t get frustrated at His detours. Just look for His blessing that you never anticipated. This will make your day, better. The word of the day is detours.