Jumpstart Your Life!

JumpstartAre you bored with life?

I meet so many people who are just simply bored with life. They are stuck in a rut.

  • Bored with their job.
  • Bored with their spiritual journey.
  • Bored with their hobbies.
  • Bored with their church.
  • Bored with their families.

There seems to be no passion, no excitement, no energy, no desire and no drive for life.

Too many are content to just go through the motions and go through the same routine, day in and day out.

Remember the Will Ferrell movie, “Stranger Than Fiction,” Will Ferrell played an IRS agent that was compulsively orderly about his life. He woke up at the same time every morning. He brushed his teeth the same exact amount of times each day. He left the house at the same time each day. He arrived at work the same time each day.

Many people are in this same rut of life and are dying. You have procrastinated doing anything about it.

Procrastinate means, To put off, to let go, to be negligent.

  • People have heart attacks because they procrastinate.
  • People have strokes because they procrastinate.
  • Marriages die every day because husbands and wives procrastinate.
  • Churches die every day because Pastors and people procrastinate.

Most of the time people put off doing anything about it until there is an emergency.

Often times we are like a car battery and we have lost our power and we have gone dead.

We need a jumpstart in order to start running again. Has anyone ever needed a jumpstart?

The word of the day is jumpstart. Jumpstart your life today. Break from the routine and mundane and do something different. Do something positive. Do something encouraging. Do something hopeful and helpful. Choose to make a difference in your life today. Make it better.

Psalm 119:18Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”