Are You Listening?

listenI recently read about the results of a study that reported how noise affects human behavior.

In one experiment carried out by psychologists, a student leaving a library intentionally dropped an armload of books. In 50% of the cases, a passerby stopped to help the student pick up the books. Then the experimenters brought out a lawn mower without a muffler and started it near where a student would again intentionally drop the books. This time, only about 10% of the people who passed stopped to help. It was clear that behavior changed because of the earsplitting sound of the nearby lawn mower.

It is clear that we listen and respond better when we remove the clutter from our lives.

How much “noise” is hindering you from hearing what God is saying to you?

James 1:19 “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

The word of the day is listen. We will be able to listen better when we remove the surrounding noise, the distracting clutter and the irritating sounds, then find a quiet place to hear what God is saying.

Speak this word over your life and family today. Declare that you will listen, hear and obey whatever God requires of you today.