I Was Blind But Now I See!


perceptionPerception is the word of the day.

I was the guest speaker at a church in Texas. As I stood on the platform, the worship service had ended and the Pastor invited everyone to turn and greet one another. I turned to the choir behind me and started shaking hands with a few of the choir members. I noticed on the right side of the choir a lady who was not really moving around. She seemed a little distracted and unengaged. So I thought she needed “Mr. Personality” to brighten up her day. I started waving my hand to get her attention. She didn’t notice me. We were separated by a row of chairs and since I’m a pretty determined guy, I waved both hands, as if I was flagging down a car on the freeway.

About that time another choir member informed that she was blind.  I thought, “No way, they are kidding me,” so I waved my arms again only to notice the ‘Seeing Eye Dog’ on the floor beside her. I quickly put my arms down, and slowly turned around wondering who all had noticed my lack of perception. Go ahead and say it, “I’m stupid.” I know it.

But my point is this, things aren’t always as they appear.

  • We ask for patience, God gives us a reason to wait.
  • We ask for strength, God gives us difficulties, which makes us strong.
  • We ask for wisdom, God sends us challenges, the solution of which develops wisdom.
  • We ask for wealth, God gives us the ability to work.
  • We ask for courage, God gives us dangers to overcome.
  • We ask for favor, God gives us opportunities.

 1 Corinthians 13:12 “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.”

Look at your world again and ask God to allow you to see things as He sees them.