I have Scars!


scarsScar” is the word of the day.

This word will make sense if you continue reading.

How many of you have a scar? Do you hide it or do you show it off? A lot of people like to show their scars. It’s like a badge of honor. It shows that we have come through a struggle of some kind and survived. Then, there are many others who do not like to show their scars. Scars are usually not considered to be a beauty mark. People often try to hide their scars with clothing or make-up. And yet scars have a story to tell. Yes, there are physical scars and there are emotional, mental and psychological scars as well.

Notice in this scripture below, how in the middle of the disciples’ meltdown, Jesus simply showed them his scars.

John 20:19-20…Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. (Scars)

The disciples were having doubts at that moment. They had been following Jesus for three years. Then, he starts talking about one of them was to betray him, then he is arrested and crucified and now his body is gone and they are being accused of stealing it.


We often encounter people dealing with doubts, disappointment, discouragement, anger, confusion, frustration, questions about the future, and questions about the past?  We often encounter these feelings ourselves. The disciples were dealing with all of this. So Jesus shows them His scars. We need to do the same. Obviously, I’m not talking about physical scars. But every one of us have gone through something that we could share with others to help them understand that they are not alone. If you can make it through, they can as well. Your story may be exactly what someone needs to get through their storm.