Raise Your Expectations!

It’s Christmas Eve. This is the day when children have the most difficult time going to bed, because Santa Claus will be visiting their homes tonight. And because the children have a difficult time, many of the parents will lose some sleep tonight as well.

I remember sleeping on the couch next to the Christmas tree in hopes of catching a glimpse of Santa Claus. I never happened to catch him in the act. He somehow always made it in to my home and delivered my family’s presents without waking me up. (sneaky fellow)

There are so many expectations that we have on Christmas Eve. What are your expectations? Do you expect a certain gift? Do you expect a certain surprise? Do you expect Santa to eat the cookies and drink the milk that you have left for him? Do you expect to hear reindeer on your roof?

The fact is there are many expectations that we have in life.

Shakespeare said, “Expectation is the root of all headaches.”

Many people choose to lower their expectations in order to not be disappointed in life. I say, Raise your expectations. Dare to dream big. Dare to believe for greater things. You can lower your expectations and try to play it safe. Or you can raise your expectations and reach for the stars. You were created for more. You were created for greater. You were created for something exceptional. Don’t sell yourself short, playing it safe.

John 14:12 (NIV) Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

The word of the day is “Raise Your Expectations!” You were made for more.