Extra Oil!

holy-spiritHave you ever just felt burned out? Maybe you feel as if you have nothing left to give. Perhaps you have exhausted all of your energy, your emotional resources and your spiritual strength. This can happen at work, in relationships, and even in church.

Every now and then someone will come to me and tell me that they feel ‘burned out’ and they need some time off. I understand that it can happen. However, if you are budgeting your time wisely, you can keep yourself from experiencing this “burn out.” But there is something even more important than time management that is critical to avoiding burn out.

Do you remember the story of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25? All ten virgin’s lamps were burning out of oil, (they were all facing “burn out”) while waiting on the bridegroom to arrive. Five wise virgins had extra oil. Five foolish virgins did not. When the bridegroom arrived, only the five wise virgins, who had extra oil, were taken to the wedding banquet. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. If you are being filled with the Spirit on a continual basis, then you will be ready for whatever comes your way and will not face “burn out.” You need to take time every single day to fill your spiritual tank with the Holy Spirit. Make sure you have extra oil. Extra oil is the word of the day. Make time for a spiritual refilling every single day. It will definitely make your day better.

Matthew 25:10 The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet.