

goalsThe word of the day is goals.

Everyone needs goals in their life, marriage, relationships and work.

I can remember as a kid going outside to play football with my friends. Whether we were playing in the front yard, the schoolyard, at a park or after church on Wednesday night, the first thing we established were the goals. We would all agree that this “tree” or this “sidewalk” or this “edge of the building” was going to be the goal line, end zone or out of bounds. It was necessary to have goals in order to play the game. We understood this as kids.

Life is very much the same way. You need goals in your life to determine if you are making progress or not. Goals allow you to push and challenge yourself to accomplish more in life.

Philippians 3:12-14 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

A dream becomes a goal when you take action toward it.

Some of the biggest mistakes people make when setting goals are:

  • Too Big
  • Too many
  • Not Specific
  • Not Written

Goals, in themselves don’t guarantee success.

In order to accomplish your goals, it will take…

  • Time
  • Strategy
  • Pain
  • Dedication
  • Willpower
  • Tough decisions
  • and Sacrifice

But I promise you, when you reach your goal, it will be worth it.