The Same, But Different!

While driving down Ferris Avenue in Waxahachie, Texas, recently, the thought came to my mind, “It’s amazing to me, how so many things are the same, but different.”

You see, this was the town I was raised in. I spent way too much time and gasoline driving up and down Ferris Avenue. It was just the “thing to do,” when I was in High School. We would drive with our windows down and wave as we passed each other, like it was all such a random act. We were so goofy. Even as I am writing this, it sounds worse than I first thought.

But as I was driving down this old familiar street some 39 years later, (Yikes, that means I am old!) I was looking at many of the exact same buildings, many of which look the very same, but different. So many had a new business in it. Gas stations and grocery stores and even homes had been bought out by other companies. The same, but different.

When Jesus comes into our lives, there are some things that may look the same, but we are different. My height, my skin color and the color of my eyes may have not changed, but when Jesus saved me, He changed my past, my present and my future. He washed away the sins I had committed in the past He gave me a purpose for each day that I live. And He gave me a hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

The word of the day is, same, but different.

You may look the same, but you are different. You have been changed, in Jesus name.