Wide-eyed Wonder!

River and KazI was out walking in the neighborhood by the creek with my beautiful granddaughter, River Ame’lie. It was amazing to me how every little thing was a new discovery. Each leaf she found was amazing. Each twig she picked up was her favorite. Each bug or insect completely mesmerized her. It seemed that each step brought a new and wonderful discovery.

I believe we should live our lives with the same wide-eyed wonder. The truth is, God gives us new discoveries every day.

His mercies are new every morning.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

This scripture says that God doesn’t give us left-over blessings. I don’t know if you like left-over food or not. But one thing I remember clearly about my father is that he did not like left over food. He was pretty consistent with that. His philosophy was that life is too short to eat left over food. So let’s go get something fresh.

When we were out at a restaurant, he would always ask for a fresh, hot cup of coffee. He would be willing to wait for them to brew a fresh pot of coffee.

Here’s the beautiful lesson for us. God always has brand new mercies, favor and blessing available to us each and every day. So don’t live on left-overs. Open up your eyes, to the wide-eyed wonder of new mercies that God has available for you today.

The word of the day is wonder. What new wonder will you discover from God today?