Brush it Off!

I was driving down the road the other day and slowed down, signaled a right turn with my blinker, and then continued to turn right. The car behind me honked his horn at me, as if to say that my right turn had slowed him down as he was traveling. […]

Walk Humbly!

Starla and I were waiting to board a plane the other day. It became apparent that pre-boarding is now officially out of control. I’m not taking away anything from any of these groups that are allowed to pre-board. It just seemed a little comical to me that after the elderly, […]

God is patient!

I was walking into my office one day this week and I looked down on the ground and I noticed a doodle bug. You know? The little roly-poly bugs that turn into a little ball when you pick them up. I don’t usually pay much attention to these little bugs, […]