Focus on problems and you’ll have more problems!

opportunityWhen you focus on problems, you’ll have more problems.

When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities.

I know it is difficult to keep focused when everything is going on around you.

That’s why there are more car accidents on the roads today than there have been in the past. Not only are we driving, but we are also texting, talking, eating, putting on make-up (not me) or still getting dressed for work. We have too many things to break our focus and distract us.

Have you ever been trying to talk to someone while they are watching television and they don’t hear a word that you are saying? They are completely focused on the television. We are probably all guilty of that at one time or another. I know I am.

But what if you are focused, but focused on the wrong thing? What if you are focused on the problems that are in your life, instead of the possibilities? Then you will miss the opportunities. Opportunities come to the person who is focused on possibilities not problems.

The word of the day is opportunities. The proper focus will bring them your way.

Speak this word over your life today.

Here are Five Steps to FOCUS your life.

F- First. What is first and most important in your life?

O- Order your day according to what is most important.

C- Clear and calm your mind each morning as you prioritize your day.

U- Understand what brings you your greatest fulfillment.

S- Stick to it. Don’t deviate from your plan.

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”