Different than you think!

DifferentOftentimes our plans don’t turn out quite the way we had planned.

  • How many ever planned on getting married to one person at one particular time, but someone got cold feet or did something stupid?
  • How many planned on working at a particular job until retirement? But you were conveniently laid off before that was realized.
  • How many were planning on living on the East Coast or the West Coast? But your career took you somewhere else.
  • How many were planning on having two children? But whoops! Or planning on having a child? But that has not been possible.

When things aren’t working out exactly the way you would like or hope, remember these three things:

  1. God’s plan could be different than your plan.
  2. God’s plan could be bigger than your plan.
  3. God’s plan is definitely better than your plan.Hebrews 11:39-40 “All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. 40 For God had something better in mind for us,”

Everyone has some type of plan for their life. Even if it is not a good one. Let’s face it most people here in America live with a plan to achieve the “American Dream.” What is that? To be married, have a couple of kids, hold a steady job, experience no major catastrophes, retire with some health and money left, maybe travel a little bit, slow down and watch grandkids.

What if God’s plan for you was much bigger than that? Are you alright with God interrupting your life and calling you to something bigger? Because I believe that He is. Just listen. He’s waiting on you.

The word of the day is different. God has something different for you that is much bigger and better than you have dreamed.