Write it down!

write it down

Have you ever noticed that when you buy a new car, that all of a sudden you start seeing that same car everywhere on the road? I remember when Starla was pregnant, I noticed pregnant women everywhere. When our children were born, I would notice babies everywhere. When they became toddlers, I noticed toddlers everywhere. What causes that? We are wired to focus on the things that we are emotionally engaged with at that time. Our conscious and subconscious works together to gather information that we are emotionally connected to at the time, whether it is cars, babies or our life goals.

That’s why it is important to write down your goals every day. When you write down your goals every day you are activating not only your conscious, but also your subconscious to gather information that you need to accomplish your goals. You will see things that you need and recognize opportunities that you would not have recognized otherwise, because of your focus on the goals. That’s why writing your goals every day is so important.

Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”

The word of the day is “Write it down.”

If it is important, write it down. If you really want to accomplish it, write it down. If you want your conscious and your sub-conscious working together to accomplish your life goals, then write them down, every day. This will make your life better.


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