Inspire Someone Today!


I’ll never forget the day that I was sitting at the Drive -thru car wash. As I was waiting on my car to be washed, I noticed a man scoot/walk/shuffle past me. The first thing that caught my attention was the fact that he did not have any arms. His legs were only about a foot long. His feet were twisted literally upside down, so that he walked on the top of his feet. As he made his way outside, it appeared that he was waiting on a car. I waited to see if anyone was coming to assist him and no one came. The attendant finished hand drying the car and waved his towel to indicate to the driver that your car is ready. This armless, handicapped man, made his way toward the car. I thought to myself, “There is no way in the world that guy could drive that car.” I had to know his story.

So I approached him and asked, “Sir, excuse me for asking, but are you going to drive that car?” He very confidently and humbly responded, “Yes I am.”

In utter amazement, I asked, “Would you mind showing me how?” “Sure” he said.

Remember he has no arms.  He went on to explain, “I designed a lever, so that, with my right foot I accelerate and brake and with my left foot I steer.”

Still dumbfounded, I asked, “Do you have a driver’s license?” He said, “I sure do. Passed my test on the first try.”

Then he reached into his wallet that was in the pocket of the car door and with his feet he handed me a business card.

That’s the day I met Gabriel Najera. That’s the day he became my friend. I asked him if he would come and share his story at my church. He did. That was the first time he had publicly shared his story. Now he travels around the world telling his story.

Gabriel inspires me.

Inspire is the word of the day.

Speak this word over your life. Declare that you will live your life in a way to inspire others. You don’t have to have a handicap to live an inspiring life. You only need courage.

Romans 12:8 says, “If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging.”

Inspire, encourage and bless others. It will make your life better.


Gabriel Najera (below)

Gabriel Najera