Ready or Not!

be preparedI was 12 or 13 years old and had just come home from school. Walking into my house I noticed something wasn’t right. The television was on, the lights were on, there was food on the stove top, the table was even set, but something wasn’t right. My Mother was nowhere in sight. I called for her, no answer. I searched for her, and did not find her.

This was not normal. Mom was always at home at this time. I waited a little bit, but she didn’t come home. I considered many different options, but the one that wouldn’t let me rest was the possibility that the rapture had taken place and I had been left! Noooooo! I realize that this is an indictment on my own relationship with Christ. But it really happened to me nevertheless.

I frantically thought of what I could do to verify the most dreadful possibility or to put those fears to rest and find out where my mother was. The first thought that popped into my mind was to call a family in our church. So I called and the husband answered. I paused without saying anything, almost convinced that I was safe. But I wasn’t completely confident until I asked if his wife was there. When he said, she was, I hung up the phone. Finally relieved at eliminating the worst possible scenario, I sat down and prayed making sure that I would never feel that sense of hopeless frustration again.

Shortly after that, my mother walked in the door. I looked at her as a parent usually looks at their children and I said, “And just where have you been young lady?” My mother looked at me with surprise and confusion at my sudden interest in her whereabouts. She explained, “I went next door to borrow some sugar and got into a conversation with our neighbor.” Then she asked, “Is there something wrong.” I quickly responded, “No, everything is fine, I…I…I…, was just worried about you!”

The word of the day is prepared. Are you prepared for eternity? The best thing you can give your family is the assurance that you have a solid and right relationship with Jesus Christ. Make sure of that today.

2 Corinthians 5:17 “If man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, and all things have become new.”